Introducing Religious Liberty League

Posted on October 13, 2015 by Admin

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Religious Liberty League is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization. It’s original purpose was to fund the activities That purpose was later expanded to engage in its own activities and   have its own identity and presence on the Internet. will remain in place as a source of information regarding LRH Intent for the governance of Scientology organizations. It will no longer publish articles

on this blog or engage in action plans to bring the churches of Scientology into alignment with the religion of Scientology, however.

Please visit Religious Liberty League’s new website, bookmark it and sign up for its newsletter. Join its Facebook page, too.

We have some exciting plans and information you won’t want to miss if you have any interest in salvaging the materials and religion of Scientology!

We welcome your support!


We apologize to our readers for our long-term (public) inactivity.

It became apparent to us more than two years ago that we would not be effective unless the individuals behind this site went public. As you will see on this site’s About Us page, we began this venture anonymously.

The road to write and publish the book, Arrows in the Dark, which is your administrator’s story, took longer than expected. It also took a few side turns. The book reveals, among other things, the efforts of three long-term Scientologist lawyers to obtain reform internally through letters written to appropriate church terminals and lawyers.

Only when it became clear that the situation we tried to address could not be handled internally did we take our information public with the creation of

As we mentioned in our most recent article, Jim Jackson, whose letterhead the letters were printed on, recently released them as part of his interview with the Tampa Bay Times. They can be viewed here.