For tech & admin alterations by Miscavige, visit Friends of LRH

David Miscavige (DM)
Chairman of the Board (COB) of RTC
(Self-appointed, not by LRH)
"The campaign to force a dictatorship into a group which has freedom as its main objective is about as popular with me as a fire in a powder factory."
- L. Ron Hubbard,
Orders of the Day, May 22, 1969
For tech & admin alterations by Miscavige, visit Friends of LRH
David Miscavige (DM)
Chairman of the Board (COB) of RTC
(Self-appointed, not by LRH)
Under LRH's plan of separation of powers and checks and
balances, financial integrity is easily ensured, private benefit
and dictatorial control nearly impossible
* Bylaws of CST (Article VII, sections 1.d & 1.e), RTC (Article VII, section 1.c.i), and CSI (Article VII, section 1.c.i)