PLEASE CONTRIBUTE TO KEEP THIS   WEBSITE ONLINE is funded by Religious Liberty League, a nonprofit, tax-exempt (in the U.S.) organization, meaning that donations are tax deductible for U.S. citizens.

“Not one penny of your donations has ever inured to the personal benefit of the proprietor or to any of the officers and directors of Religious Liberty League.”

Why Your Donation Matters

Religious Liberty League relies entirely on donations to keep this website up and running. Your donation directly supports:

  • Website : Costs include the domain fees (i.e., the price of the website address) for & .org and for, and hosting & website maintenance fees.

Note: In an effort to lower costs, long term plans do not include maintaining the RLL website much longer, but there is still a need to keep current its domains so that another party cannot purchase the domains for the foreseeable future.

  • Filing of Official Documents: e.g., annual certificate of corporate directors & officers;  agent for service of process – a legal requirement; and other costs to maintain the nonprofit corporate and tax-exemption status.

  • Donation Drives/Efforts: Costs may arise that are related to donations; e.g., bank  account for donations, currently free for nonprofits. No other drives have been undertaken, however, and none are planned.

Thank You for Your Support

The website was created out of a sense of duty, a duty that many independent Scientologists share. If you agree that the information contained on this website should be preserved and available, please contribute to this purpose.

For those who have donated to either Save Scientology or Religious Liberty League, and to those who plan to contribute now and in the future, THANK YOU.

Your donations are greatly appreciated!