Reform Letters Go Public

Reform Letters Go Public Posted on September 13, 2015 by Admin More than five years ago, the genesis for this website began when three long-term, Scientologist lawyers confabbed in an attempt to calm the media onslaught against the church brought on by the publication of Truth Rundown. One of the three was Jim Jackson (pictured). Obviously, we agreed, the […]
Introducing Religious Liberty League

Introducing Religious Liberty League Posted on October 13, 2015 by Admin Religious Liberty League is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization. It’s original purpose was to fund the activities That purpose was later expanded to engage in its own activities and have its own identity and presence on the Internet. will remain in place as a source […]
David Miscavige & The Independent Movement, Part III

David Miscavige & The Independent Movement, Part III Posted on February 14, 2011 by Admin Since Part II of this series was published, a new wave of reports of alleged illegal or unethical behavior by David Miscavige and the Miscavige administration has spread across the major media – newspapers, television, radio, etc. The new reports have gone viral […]
The Tax Man Cometh

The Tax Man Cometh Posted on February 27, 2011 by Admin Among the allegations publicly aired by whistleblowers are claims that David Miscavige executed a “takeover” of Scientology’s governing institutions, eliminated his potential rivals and undid the managerial checks and balances put in place by LRH (namely, the Watch Dog Committee and the International Executive Strata).[1] Miscavige then […]
David Miscavige’s Day of Reckoning

David Miscavige’s Day of Reckoning Posted on August 3, 2011 by Admin Reckoning, definition: The avenging or punishing of past mistakes or misdeeds.[1] “Make no mistake, it’s not revenge he’s after. It’s a reckoning.” – Doc Holliday line in the movie, Tombstone. In 1968, LRH cancelled the policies of Disconnection, Security Checking, and Fair Game. To hear LRH himself […]
Action Series 4: Independence of RTC (Trustees)

Action Series 4: Independence of RTC (Trustees) Posted on October 10, 2011 by adminTo skip to Action Step 4, click here. As children, most of us remember seeing and having the bejesus scared out of us by the movie, The Wizard of Oz. Poor cute little ole Dorothy, lost in a strange world of good and evil, who accidentally became […]
Action Series 2: CSI Independence

Action Series 2: CSI Independence Posted on September 7, 2011 by adminTo skip to Action Step 2, click here. LRH intended one-man rule of Scientology to end and a system of checks and balances to be implemented upon his death. Under his plan, the Church of Scientology International (CSI) is the “Mother Church,” responsible overseeing all ecclesiastical matters, including […]
Action Series 3: Recapture CSI’s Ecclesiastical Authority

Posted on September 23, 2011 by adminTo skip to Action Step 3, click here. Niccolo Machiavelli is most famous for writing the classic 16th Century book, The Prince. In it, Machiavelli criticized the conventional wisdom of his time: that rulers, to succeed, must acquire their power legitimately and rule with virtue. Machiavelli argued instead that nothing matters but the acquisition and […]
Action Series 5: Management By LRH Statistics

The word “Camelot” is sometimes used to refer admiringly to a bygone era of potential and promise for the future. Camelot is a castle and court associated with the legendary King Arthur. Although the subject of many tales for hundreds of years, including blockbuster plays and a film in modern times, its location and authenticity […]